Radials or Not?

Joe, NE1JT, has a vertical dipole antenna and has a very simple question about it, and antennas in general. “Should ground radials be added?” Antenna Spiderbeam 30-17-12m HD (WARC) October 01, 2015 No comments The Heavy Duty Spiderbeam is a specially reinforced version, optimized for... Read more

Should I change my callsign?

A viewer suggests that I shorten my callsign from KB9VBR to K9VBR. Joe and I talk about this and how call signs become your identity. Antenna Attaching Coax to a Dipole July 20, 2021 No comments Gordon, KO4OCO, in reference to Dave’s 40 meter dipole... Read more

3-Band antenna 15m 10m 6m

Three Band Yagi Antenna for 21 MHz, 28 MHz and 50 MHz PA212850-21-12HD – 15 meter, 10 meter and 6 meter band. Antenna covers full 15 meter, 10 meter and 6 meter. Perfectly optimized three-bander with excellent performance. Above all, PA212850-21-12HD cover full range of 15... Read more

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