Yaesu FT5D FAQ

During the release of the FT5D from Yaesu, I interviewed John Kruk from Yaesu to talk about the new FT5D. Here are some of the more frequently asked questions about this new HT. We are pleased to introduce FT5DR, 5W C4FM/FM 144/430MHz Dual Band Digital... Read more

Radials or Not?

Joe, NE1JT, has a vertical dipole antenna and has a very simple question about it, and antennas in general. “Should ground radials be added?” Antenna Spiderbeam 30-17-12m HD (WARC) October 01, 2015 No comments The Heavy Duty Spiderbeam is a specially reinforced version, optimized for... Read more

Should I change my callsign?

A viewer suggests that I shorten my callsign from KB9VBR to K9VBR. Joe and I talk about this and how call signs become your identity. Antenna Attaching Coax to a Dipole July 20, 2021 No comments Gordon, KO4OCO, in reference to Dave’s 40 meter dipole... Read more

3-Band antenna 15m 10m 6m

Three Band Yagi Antenna for 21 MHz, 28 MHz and 50 MHz PA212850-21-12HD – 15 meter, 10 meter and 6 meter band. Antenna covers full 15 meter, 10 meter and 6 meter. Perfectly optimized three-bander with excellent performance. Above all, PA212850-21-12HD cover full range of 15... Read more

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