PERFECT FOR OUTDOOR: The Raddy backpack is perfect choice for outsoor using. It’s with plenty of pockets to carry all your needed stuff when preparing going outside.  MADE FOR HF TRANSCEIVERS: Specially customized for packing 2 radios and accessories needed . For example, Xiegu G90 + GSOC; X5105... Read more

Inside 2021 Trends in Bot Activity

Bots, a software agent that carries out automated tasks on the internet, can perform actions that are both helpful and malicious. Bots can, on the plus side, help stop vandalism on Wikipedia or index websites to make them searchable by Google. But they can also... Read more

QDX digital transceiver

I brief description of a construction problem, symptoms and solution regarding the QDX digital transceiver from QRP Labs. The “QCX+” (QRP Labs Xcvr +): a feature-packed, high performance, single band 5W CW transceiver kit with WSPR beacon and built-in alignment and test equipment. Available for 80, 60, 40,... Read more

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