Measuring Balun Ratios

I have been asked how to measure the ratios of a Balun or an Unun. So if you’re someone who has that same question this is a video for you. Antenna The 10/15/20 Meter Trap Vertical Antenna January 01, 2015 No comments   “This antenna... Read more

Resonant Frequency of Antennas

“The feedline to an antenna will perform better if the antenna has the same impedance. Jim Heath W6LG uses the RigExpert AA-2000 to measure a small dipole’s resonant frequency which is not the same frequency as the lowest SWR. The resonant frequency of an antenna... Read more

Commemorative December 1915 QST download

We apologize for the delivery issue of The 1915 Commemorative QST download offer on Christmas Day.  The link below will provide ARRL Members with access to the document. If you have any further issues or comments, please email Read more

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