Managing the Pile-Up

Rule Number One of Pile-Ups: Stay in Control. Rule Number Two: Stations will use any means necessary to break the pile-up. Here are my tips to stay in control and manage rule number two. Antenna Yagi Antenna GXP-7 (7 elements 5 bands) December 30, 2014... Read more

Loops and Wires

Ron, WD8SBB, has a couple questions concrning different antenna set ups and uses. Lets see what happens… Antenna Antenna Design and Measurement Software June 22, 2020 No comments AnTune software assists in designing antennas and RF impedance networks. Their software runs on PC/Windows and can... Read more

Pirates Battle Over Shortwave Radio – UVB-76

UVB-76 The frequency of a suspected Russian military shortwave radio broadcast, known as the “buzzer” for its recognizable repeating channel marker, has become the battleground for rival Russian and Ukrainian radio enthusiasts, who have been attempting to hijack the frequency to play memes . UVB-76でカンナムスタイル流れてて笑うwww... Read more

SDR Cube Transceiver

SDR Cube Transceiver Portable, standalone SDR transceiver for SSB, CW and AM using embedded digital signal processingwith a Softrock as the RF front end for QRP operation. Live bandscope, high-performance T-R switching,multiple VFOs & memories, General Coverage Receive and bandswitching control are among the many... Read more

ACOM Company Tour

ACOM Company Tour. HF power amplifier production – ACOM 1010, ACOM 1000, ACOM 700S, ACOM 1200S, ACOM 1500, ACOM 2100 and ACOM 2000A. Antenna Antenna beam 2 elements 80m (Monobander) June 16, 2020 No comments Frequency: (3,500 MHz – 3,830 MHz) Number of elements per... Read more

Packet Pioneer Brian Rogers, N1URO, SK

Packet Radio Pioneer Brian Rogers, N1URO, of Unionville, Connecticut, died on January 4. An ARRL member, he was 58. Rogers was considered a core contributor to amateur packet radio dating to the 1990s. Licensed in 1995, he focused on classic packet and 802.11/high-speed protocols, developed... Read more

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