CVA DX CONTEST Photo : Escola de Comunicações The CVADX Contest is an international competition between radio amateurs1.0. Date, Modes: CW or SSB1.1. CW, third weekend of AugustStart (2022/08/20) CW 21:00 (UTC)End (21/08/2022) CW 21:00 (UTC)1.2. SSB – Fourth full weekend of AugustStart (27/08/2022) SSB... Read more

ARRL 2021 Annual Report Now Available to Download

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® has published its 2021 Annual Report. The report summarizes ARRL’s program and fiscal activity for the year. In his introductory remarks, ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, said that the organization moved steadily forward in 2021, gaining momentum after... Read more

New custom band framing feature in SDRuno

SDRuno Check out Mike KD2KOG’s new video guide to this feature: Documentation is on page 66 of the updated manual: Antenna Engineering the Doublet Antenna December 31, 2018 No comments “I made this doublet connector from a piece of 6mm Nylon 66 I had knocking... Read more

RX protection limiter with CMCC

RX protection This box is able to protect your receiver against the high power RF signals and prevent from destruction. These high RF signals are common in the multitransmitter environment – contest QTH, but also it can limit strong RF peak from the close lightning.... Read more


Here we take a look at 5 (plus a couple more) 3D printer projects for Ham Radio. All projects taken from : Antenna Multi-Function Portable Antenna System for 2m October 21, 2015 No comments Features Super-fast deployment – takes less than a minute! Great... Read more

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