Mini DIGITAL PWR / SWR meter review

This is the review of a Mini portable PWR and SWR meter with built-in battery and High SWR warning buzzer. There are also the Xiegu X6100’s output power measurements in the video. Another purpose of this review is to explain for beginners how to measure... Read more

Amateur/RNSS Coexistence – 23cm Band

23cm Band After review and approval by the IARU Region 1 Executive Committee and the IARU Administrative Council a presentation on preliminary Amateur / RNSS Coexistence in the 23cm band has been released. See the presentation at Source IARU Antenna SteppIR UrbanBeam and SDA 2000 –... Read more


SCC Contest Committee has decided to cancel EUHFC 2022 due to the current situation in Europe related to the war in Ukraine. We do not see the point in competing for the title of European Champion without the presence of our UR friends and without... Read more

DIAMOND VX-30 Antenna Review 

DIAMOND VX-30 Peter Waters G3OJV, explains why the Diamond VX-30 could be the ideal antenna for those new to ham radio who would like to operate on the VHF bands. The Diamond VX-30 is a 2m/70cm base station antenna with a frequency range of 144/430MHz.  Specifications: Length:1.3m... Read more

RFI from Solar Inverter

RFI from Solar Inverter Lee, KI5ODH, built an off grid solar system for his station. But he is having some trouble. “The inverter is putting out spurious tones through out the ham bands approx. every 20khz. Do you have any suggestions to rectify the problem?”... Read more

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