Heil Ham Radio Donates Equipment to W1AW

The Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station, W1AW, at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut, has received a generous donation of equipment from the Heil Ham Radio division of Heil Sound. The company’s founder, Bob Heil, K9EID, is a pioneering audio engineer and avid radio amateur. At his direction, the company... Read more

ARRL Midwest Division Convention, Winterfest

Newly licensed ham Charlie Hartley, KF0OOP, 18, is one of ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® newest members. He’s majoring in sound engineering at Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri, and is an accomplished musician, playing both bass guitar and the upright string bass.... Read more

YLISSB Celebrates 61 Years On the Air

February 8, 2024, marks the 61st anniversary of the YL System, now known as the YL International Single Side-band System (YLISSB), founded by Vera Mayree Tallman, K4ICA (SK), in 1963.   Tallman received her first license in 1956 and later earned her General-class license. Though... Read more

Georgia State Parks on the Air 2024

The second annual Georgia State Parks on the Air will be held April 6 – 7, 2024. ARRL member and event coordinator Claude Ray, AC4SH, said that the first event was a success and that participants insisted on having another one. “For both activators and... Read more

ARRL is New Publisher of Gordon West, WB6NOA

Download Press Release (PDF) ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® has become the new publisher of the Amateur Radio License Preparation books and related resources authored by Gordon West, WB6NOA. Gordon West’s popular books, classes, and audio courses have been a mainstay of amateur... Read more

ARRL Kids Day a Success in Nebraska

The Bellevue Amateur Radio Club and the Science Club at Yates Illuminates teamed up to offer the youth in Omaha, Nebraska, with an opportunity to get on the air for ARRL Kids Day. The event occurred on Saturday, January 6, 2024, at Yates Illuminates, a... Read more

2024 Orlando HamCation Awards

The HamCation® Awards committee has announced the 2024 Orlando HamCation recipients of the Carole Perry Educator of the Year and the Gordon West Ambassador of the Year awards. Both awards will be presented at the 2024 Orlando HamCation, which is hosting this year’s ARRL Florida... Read more

ARRL Responds to FCC Proposals

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® responded to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) request for comments on removing the symbol (baud) rate restrictions that apply to data communications on the LF bands and the VHF and UHF bands below 450 MHz. The FCC also... Read more

ARRL’s Year of the Volunteers Success

2023 has been a remarkable year for amateur radio. There were many noteworthy opportunities for hams to use their license privileges for the greater good. An annular solar eclipse saw radio amateurs engaging in projects of scientific research about our ionosphere, devastating firestorms gutted entire cities and saw... Read more

ARRL Straight Key Night 2024

 ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® Straight Key Night (SKN) is held on January 1, 2024, from 0000 UTC through 2359 UTC.     Many hams look forward to SKN as one of the highlights of their operating year.   Operators participate using Morse... Read more

VOTA: Badges on the Air

Join all of ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio®’s volunteers on December 31, 2023, from 0000 – 2359 UTC, for the last day of the yearlong Volunteers On the Air (VOTA) operating event for your final chance to get some VOTA points. Last week’s Red Badges... Read more

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