Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2146

Yaesu FTDX10 vs ICOM IC-7300, WA3RNC Electronic Kits, IC-7300 Amplifiers Interfacing, Contesting with Stealth Antenna Limitations, A Simple 2 Element Quad Antenna for 10 meters, MagLoop 10 – 24 MHz, Quad for 10 and 15 meters, Coax Notch Traps – Attenuating adjacent bands, Yaesu FT-2000... Read more

ARRL Executive Committee Meets

The ARRL Executive Committee met on October 25 in virtual session, with President Rick Roderick, K5UR, presiding. In his report, CEO David Minster, NA2AA, noted that the revised ARRL Articles of Incorporation approved during the July 2021 Board meeting had been filed with the State... Read more

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